The Basics of Life Insurance: The Life Insurance Policy from A to Z
Considering life insurance?
Purchasing life insurance is one of the best ways to protect the people you love, but it is often met with reserve and placed on the backburner.
Although discussing your impending passing is never an easy conversation, it is a critical one to have.
If you passed away tomorrow, what financial situation would your spouse, children, or business be facing?
Knowing where to start in the world of life insurance can be challenging.
But with the right tools, you can make an informed decision and purchase an affordable policy tailored to your needs.
With years of experience and dedicated research, we’ve simplified the process for you.
Read on for our comprehensive guide to purchasing life insurance in exchange for some peace of mind.
(Almost) Everything You Need To Know About Life Insurance
life insurance 101If you’re hesitant to dive into a five or six figure policy, you aren’t alone.
People tend to approach life insurance with a measure of hesitation, assuming they don’t need it or can’t afford it.
Aside from avoiding a morbid discussion or leaving life insurance among tomorrow’s concerns, people forego purchasing life insurance based on misconceptions.
Here are a few you may have heard (or thought yourself):
“I’m young and healthy, so I don’t actually need life insurance right now.”
“I’m single and childless, so no one relies on my income to live.”
“Life insurance is beneficial, but it’s far too expensive for me.”
Although some young, healthy, single individuals may not need to purchase life insurance and certain policies are indeed expensive, you have to consider a combination of factors in your decision.
And there are a multitude of affordable life insurance options; you just have to know where to look.
Before we start shopping, let’s take a look at a few reasons you need to purchase life insurance:
You Have Debts
You Have A Business
You Have Dependents
You Have Legacy Desires
Price Locking